Community Help Service

Rainbow House
The Rainbowhouse is home to different French-speaking and Flemish-speaking LGBTQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersexual) associations from Brussels.
It is the main association in Brussels for all information and help that you may need as an LGBTQI person.
The Rainbowhouse organises great events of all different types, fun, informative, creative, brainstorming.
It also offers help to anyone who needs it, starting from help in cases of homophobic attacks, to finding apartments etc.
Even though most information on their website is in french and flemish, if you contact them, they will certainly be able to help you in English.
You can also visit them at their Infobar on Tuesday to Thursday from 6.30 pm to 10 pm, from Friday to Saturday from 6.30 pm to midnight, on Sunday from 3 pm to 7 pm.
Useful links
Tels Quels
Tels Quels is a gay and lesbian association in Brussels.
It offers very good help to people with problems of sexual identity, discrimination, and also on practical problems faced by gays and lesbians.
This association works mainly in French and Flemish and it is quite difficult to get information and assistance in English.
If you do speak French and Flemish though, then this association is quite good.
You can find more information on how and who to contact here.
Community Help Service (CHS) is an English-speaking mental health service in Brussels.
It us stuffed with professional English-speaking psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists.
In addition to the advantage of speaking English, this service provides specific assistance for the gay community.
CHS runs a 24-hour, 7-day a week telephone Help Line. The Help Line is anonymous and confidential and you can call from wherever you are.
If you are in a crisis situation or need some emotional support, specifically trained volunteers will be there to answer the phone and offer some assistance. The number to call for the Help Line is +32 (0) 2 6484014.
CHS also runs a Mental Health Centre. This service works with appointments and the number to call to make one is +32 (0) 6476780.
If you need emotional support or are faced with issues relating to your sexuality, then you can have a psychotherapist who is specialised in this field.
CHS Help Line:
+32 (0) 2 648 40 14
Genres Pluriels

Garance ASBL
Equality Centre of Belgium
The Equality Centre of Belgium is an inter federal organisation of the Belgian government which deals with all types of discrimination faced by people in Belgium.
The types of discrimination that they are dealing with includes discrimination of the grounds of sexual orientation.
If you believe that you have been subject to discrimination for your sexual orientation, either at your workplace or in any other area of life, then it is very advisable that you contact this centre.
They can give you advice on how to handle the situation and they can help you with complaining or even taking a case to court if that is appropriate.
The website of this centre is mainly in French and Flemish, but if you contact them they will always be able to help you in English as well.
For more information on how and who to contact go to their website.
Genres Pluriels is an organisation for trans, intersex and gender-fluid people.
It offers very good help and support to this community on all types of issues, including counselling and psychologists.
This organisation works mainly in French and Flemish, but also offers help in English for those who need it.
In addition to the individual help and support, the organisation often organises workshops, discussions and social events.
You can find more information on how and who to contact on the website of the organisation, as well as on their facebook page.
Garance ASBL is a large non-profit organisation working on preventing violence from occuring. It organises several self-defence and other workshops aimed at providing the necessary skills to people to defend themselves when faced with a threat of violence. There are special workshops for women and the LGBT community. The organisation works mostly in french and dutch but also provides services in English.
You can find more information on the organisation on their website, as well as on the corresponding facebook page.